[FREE TICKET] to the Food Matters Institute Masterclass Series FREE
[FREE EBOOK] 7 Day Gut Healing, Anti-Inflammatory Meal Program

7 Day Gut Healing, Anti-Inflammatory Meal Program

With recipes, meal plans, and shopping lists designed to help you heal your gut and reduce inflammation.

Download your free eBook now, and receive a free ticket to the Masterclass Series!


Are You Struggling to Feel Your Best
No Matter What You Do?

If you're struggling with persistent pain in the body, an autoimmune condition, constant anxiety, hormone imbalances, weight gain, or poor sleep, you're in the right place.

To celebrate the final 2023 group intake of the Food Matters Nutrition Certification Course, we've brought together some of the world’s most popular expert teachers in this exclusive Masterclass series.

Discover how to heal your body naturally, and create a life that inspires you every day.

Laurentine ten Bosch & Dr. David Jockers Laurentine ten Bosch & Brian Vaszily Laurentine ten Bosch & Dr. Christine Smith James Colquhoun & Jon Gabriel James Colquhoun & Liana Werner-Gray James Colquhoun & Jason Prall James Colquhoun & Nat Kringoudis
2023 Masterclass Series

Learn How to Reduce Pain & Inflammation, Heal Autoimmune Conditions, Balance Your Weight, and Live Better for Longer!

Dr. David Jockers
Dr. David Jockers
Brian Vaszily
Brian Vaszily
Dr. Christine Smith
Dr. Christine Smith
Jon Gabriel
Jon Gabriel
Liana Werner-Gray
Liana Werner-Gray
Jason Prall
Jason Prall
Nat Kringoudis
Nat Kringoudis

Explore the Food Matters Institute Masterclass Series

Live From October 2 - October 17, 2023

Gut Discomfort, Inflammation, Thyroid Issues?
Learn How to Use Nutrition to Prevent and Heal Autoimmune Conditions Naturally
with Dr. David Jockers


Low Energy, Low Confidence, Fear of Aging?
Learn How to Upgrade Your Diet & Lifestyle to Live Better for Longer
with Brian Vaszily


Unexplained Pain, Aching Joints, Irritability?
Learn How to Identify and Treat Inflammation Naturally
with Dr. Christine Smith


Stress, Inflammation, Unwanted Weight Gain?
Learn How to Use Food to Activate Your Fat-Burning Hormones
with Jon Gabriel


Stressed, Overwhelmed, Burned Out?
5 Science-Backed Strategies to Relieve Stress & Calm Anxiety
with Liana Werner-Gray


Poor Sleep, Low Energy, Stressed Out?
Learn How to Fall Asleep Fast & Improve Your Sleep Cycle
with Jason Prall


PMS, Inflammation, PCOS, Endometriosis?
Why Rebalancing Your Hormones Could Be the Key to Overall Health
with Nat Kringoudis

Nature knows what it’s doing far beyond any human in a lab coat.
Brian Vaszily
Brian Vaszily
Laurentine ten Bosch & James Colquhoun
Your hosts

Studying nutrition online completely changed our lives. It helped us cut through the confusion of different diets, understand why so many people suffer from gut health issues and hormone-related illness, and it changed the way we look at food.

It also saved our father's life. He was sick, unwell, and on a cocktail of medications. Through the information that we learned from expert teachers and doctors, we were able to help him heal and come off 6 different medications.

Since then, it's been our mission to connect with experts from around the globe to share the latest research and findings on some of the most common health problems that can often be healed and prevented through using food as medicine.

We believe you deserve the most out of life, so understanding how to take good care of your health is critical. We hope these masterclasses are the catalyst for your transformation - big or small!

In good health,

James & Laurentine

Founders of Food Matters and The Food Matters Institute

Explore the Food Matters Institute Masterclass Series

Live From October 2 - October 17, 2023
Dr. David Jockers
Now live

Gut Discomfort, Inflammation, Thyroid Issues?
Learn How to Use Nutrition to Prevent and Heal Autoimmune Conditions Naturally
with Dr. David Jockers

What You’ll Learn:
  • What exactly an autoimmune disease is, including the most common ones.
  • The 3 main things that trigger autoimmune diseases.
  • The important roles the gut and inflammation play in autoimmune conditions.
  • The top 2 issues people face when dealing with chronic disease.
  • The top lifestyle changes you can make today if you suffer from an autoimmune condition.
  • How to adjust your diet to help heal an autoimmune disease, including best foods to eat and avoid.
  • And so much more!

Dr. David Jockers

Dr. David Jockers is a doctor of natural medicine, author, and world-renowned expert in the area of ketosis, fasting, brain health, inflammation and functional nutrition.

Dr. David Jockers
Brian Vaszily
Now live

Low Energy, Low Confidence, Fear of Aging?
Learn How to Upgrade Your Diet & Lifestyle to Live Better for Longer
with Brian Vaszily

What You’ll Learn:
  • The single most important factor of healthy aging and longevity.
  • The first issue people encounter when they start to age.
  • Why diet is crucial to all 11 markers of aging.
  • 6 daily lifestyle tips to help you age well and increase your healthy years.
  • Why reducing toxin exposure is a key part of longevity.
  • The necessity of socialization, laughter, and joy to living long and well.
  • And so much more!

Brian Vaszily

Brian Vaszily is one of today’s most respected natural health researchers, advocates, and thought leaders with over 20 years experience. He’s the founder of The Art of Anti-Aging, a 500,000 member organization whose mission is to empower people with the top evidence-based solutions to live long and well.

Brian Vaszily
Dr. Christine Smith
Now live

Unexplained Pain, Aching Joints, Irritability?
Learn How to Identify and Treat Inflammation Naturally
with Dr. Christine Smith

What You’ll Learn:
  • Why pain in the body is common but not something that should be considered normal.
  • The relationship between pain and inflammation and how it can become chronic inflammation.
  • The top three contributors to the stress capacity (and therefore pain) your body experiences.
  • The importance of blood sugar and how to regulate it to manage inflammation.
  • The best foods to eat to support your adrenals.
  • The top lifestyle changes you can make if you’re suffering with chronic inflammation.
  • And so much more!

Dr. Christine Smith

Dr. Christine Smith has focused her work on seeing the whole person through personalized, integrative healthcare. As a Functional Medicine Practitioner and Doctor of Chiropractic with a background in Cognitive Neuroscience, she specializes in Holistic Injury Recovery and Chronic Inflammation Prevention to help active people come back stronger, uncover hidden organ injuries and prevent re-injury.

Dr. Christine Smith
Jon Gabriel
Now live

Stress, Inflammation, Unwanted Weight Gain?
Learn How to Use Food to Activate Your Fat-Burning Hormones
with Jon Gabriel

What You’ll Learn:
  • The real cause of weight gain that you probably don't know about.
  • The two most important hormones for weight loss.
  • What insulin resistance is and why it can be a contributing factor to weight gain.
  • The top foods to eat and to avoid to keep your weight hormones stable.
  • What a "qualitarian" is and why this way of eating is important for overall health.
  • The significance of the mind-body connection when it comes to losing weight.
  • How visualization and meditation can help you rebalance your hormones & lose weight.

Jon Gabriel

Jon is a weight loss and visualization expert, author, and creator of The Gabriel Method who lost 220 pounds with the help of visualization and now helps thousands of people worldwide.

Jon Gabriel
Liana Werner-Gray
Now live

Stressed, Overwhelmed, Burned Out?
5 Science-Backed Strategies to Relieve Stress & Calm Anxiety
with Liana Werner-Gray

What You’ll Learn:
  • How to understand exactly what anxiety is and the top causes of it.
  • The signs and symptoms to look out for when identifying chronic stress and anxiety, including nutritional deficiencies that can occur as a result.
  • The top foods to eat and top foods to avoid if you’re looking to relieve stress and anxiety.
  • The important links between adrenal burnout and anxiety, as well as gut health and mental health.
  • The harsh, often unknown effects of anxiety medications and natural alternatives you can use.
  • And much more!

Liana Werner-Gray

Liana Werner-Gray is a certified nutritionist, nutrition coach, and author who is an advocate for natural healing using a healthy diet and lifestyle after healing herself of a stage 1 tumor.

Liana Werner-Gray
Jason Prall
Now live

Poor Sleep, Low Energy, Stressed Out?
Learn How to Fall Asleep Fast & Improve Your Sleep Cycle
with Jason Prall

What You’ll Learn:
  • The top 6 reasons sleep is important for health and longevity.
  • What's happening to your body as you sleep.
  • The negative effects that poor sleep can have on your body.
  • The morning routine you can adopt to optimize your sleep.
  • The top rituals you can do in the evening to promote a good night’s sleep.
  • How to change up your bedroom setting to fall asleep fast.
  • The link between your circadian rhythm and gut issues.

Jason Prall

Jason is a health educator, practitioner, author, speaker, & filmmaker. In 2018, he traveled to over 10 countries to create “The Human Longevity Project”, a 9-part film series that uncovers the true nature of chronic disease in our modern world.

Jason Prall
Nat Kringoudis
Now live

PMS, Inflammation, PCOS, Endometriosis?
Why Rebalancing Your Hormones Could Be the Key to Overall Health
with Nat Kringoudis

What You’ll Learn:
  • Why hormone health is critically important in women and the little known effects hormones have on your body.
  • The truth about hormonal issues such as PMS, PCOS, and Endometriosis.
  • The importance of finding the underlying cause of hormonal imbalances and issues before starting any treatments.
  • The #1 cause of hormone imbalances.
  • The surprising impact that inflammation plays when it comes to women’s hormones.
  • And much more!

Nat Kringoudis

Nat is a best selling author, podcaster, and natural Women’s Health practitioner who has helped over 20,000 women make their hormones happier and healthier in her 18 years of practicing Health Sciences, Chinese Medicine, and Acupuncture.

Nat Kringoudis

See What Others Are Saying About Our Masterclass Series

At Food Matters Institute, we are dedicated to bringing you the latest education and information about nutrition and natural healing. This exclusive Masterclass Series is diving deep into the questions YOU have on the topics YOU care about.


The Masterclass is Uh-mazing!!! I cannot believe how much information was presented on the first day. - Audrey
Thank you so much for these precious gifts of pearls of wisdom and knowledge. - Tara
OMG that was so fantastic! Best information …I’ve ever heard! Thanks so much for sharing this information with us all. I know several women who’ll benefit from it, and I can’t wait to share it with them! - Jenni
Inspiring and thought provoking! These masterclasses are honestly getting better and better each year. - Christine
I signed up for these masterclasses and I'm loving all this knowledge. I started to apply some methods that were indicated by your guests. Thanks for this knowledge. - Aninhas
The daily videos this week have been amazing. Insane amounts of life-changing information. - Dina
A wealth of information, thank you! So many great tips I will be making part of my life going forward. - Ali
Loved this thank you very much - such a complex subject beautifully explained simple and visual - thank you. - Lynne
Loved the information about feeding our mind with food that can nourish our gut and relieve anxiety. So helpful. I could have listened for hours! - Cathy
[FREE EBOOK] 7 Day Gut Healing, Anti-Inflammatory Meal Program
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