[FREE EBOOK] Top 10 Easy Recipes to Destress & Support Your Hormones. [FREE EBOOK] 10 Gut-Healing Recipes to Repair Your Microbiome.
2024 Masterclass Series

Learn How to Heal Your Gut, Balance Your Hormones, & Reduce Stress

Free Online Masterclass Series.
Doors Open September 23.

Aggie Lal
Aggie Lal
Kelly Noonan Gores
Kelly Noonan Gores
Zach Bush MD
Zach Bush MD
James Colquhoun
James Colquhoun
Laurentine ten Bosch
Laurentine ten Bosch

Are You Struggling To Feel Your
Best No Matter What You Do?

If gut issues, inflammation, mood swings, brain fog, or stress are holding you back, you’ve come to the right place.

Many dismiss these symptoms as "normal" parts of life, hormones, and aging. But what if they're not? It's time to redefine your story and take control of your health!

To mark the final 2024 intake of our Food Matters Nutrition Certification Course, we're offering three brand new exclusive masterclasses. These sessions will teach you practical, lasting solutions to overcome persistent health challenges and transform your daily life into one that truly inspires you.

Don't settle for feeling "just okay." Your journey to vibrant health starts here!

Explore the Food Matters Institute Masterclass Series

Live From September 23 - October 3, 2024
September 23

Biohacking For Women
Improving Your Health Without Sacrificing Joy & Happiness
with Aggie Lal

September 24

Unlocking the Mind-Body Connection
Learn How to Intuitively Eat, Exercise & Heal
with Kelly Noonan Gores

September 25

Nurturing Your Microbiome
Is It Gluten or Glyphosate That’s Harming Your Gut?
with Zach Bush MD

September 26

Your Favorite Masterclasses
These are our most popular masterclasses from the experts you love. Save your free spot now to hear the expert lineup first on Thursday, September 26.

[Women] need biohacking even more than men. And I think we're naturally better at this.
Aggie Lal
Aggie Lal
It's the fragility of your gut that's making the food have such a large impact on your sense of wellness, your sense of nutrient density.
Zach Bush MD
Zach Bush MD
Holistic is looking at this human organism as a whole being, a very intricate system that's designed to heal in every moment.
Kelly Noonan Gores
Kelly Noonan Gores

Your Hosts

James & Laurentine

Your Hosts

James Colquhoun
Laurentine ten Bosch

Studying nutrition online completely changed our lives. It helped us cut through the confusion of different diets, understand why so many people suffer from gut health issues and hormone-related illness, and it changed the way we look at food.

It also saved James’ father's life. He was sick, unwell, and on a cocktail of medications. Through the information that we learned from expert teachers and doctors, we were able to help him heal and come off 6 different medications.

Since then, it's been our mission to connect with experts from around the globe to share the latest research and findings on some of the most common health problems that can often be healed and prevented through using food as medicine.

You deserve the most out of life, so understanding how to take good care of your health is critical. We hope these masterclasses are the catalyst for your transformation - big or small!

In good health,

James & Laurentine

Co-founders of Food Matters, FMTV (Gaia), Wellcademy & The Food Matters Institute
Filmmakers of Food Matters, Hungry For Change & Transcendence


Two New Recipe eBooks

  • Top 10 Easy Recipes to Destress & Support Your Hormones
  • 10 Gut-Healing Recipes to Repair Your Microbiome

Join this Masterclass Series and receive two bonus resources! Discover simple, delicious recipes designed for busy lifestyles to help you add stress-reducing, hormone-friendly, and gut-healing meals to your weekly rotation. Plus, get expert-approved tips for nourishing your microbiome and biohacking your way to optimal wellness. Hit the button below to revolutionize your health routine today!

[FREE EBOOK] Top 10 Easy Recipes to Destress & Support Your Hormones. [FREE EBOOK] 10 Gut-Healing Recipes to Repair Your Microbiome. [FREE EBOOK] Top 10 Easy Recipes to Destress & Support Your Hormones. [FREE EBOOK] 10 Gut-Healing Recipes to Repair Your Microbiome.

Explore the Food Matters Institute Masterclass Series

Live From September 23 - October 3, 2024
Aggie Lal
Monday, September 23

Biohacking For Women

Improving Your Health Without Sacrificing Joy & Happiness

with Aggie Lal
What You’ll Learn:
  • Why biohacking is essential for women and how to leverage your menstrual cycle for optimal health results
  • How to identify harmful oils and gut-disrupting chemicals in your kitchen (plus the #1 culprit!)
  • Nutrition strategies and tips for upgrading your diet without giving up your favorite foods
  • The surprising time Aggie eats her dinner for better sleep, plus tips for optimizing your meal times and fasting window
  • Empowering perspectives on body image, societal pressures, and building a healthy relationship with food
  • And much more!

Aggie Lal

Aggie Lal is CEO & Founder of Biohacking Bestie, a renowned public figure, best-selling author, certified nutrition and health coach, podcast host, TV personality, and TEDx speaker. With a vast audience across multiple channels, Aggie has become highly influential in health, biohacking, personal development, entrepreneurship, and travel & lifestyle.

Aggie Lal
Kelly Noonan Gores
Tuesday, September 24

Unlocking the Mind-Body Connection

Learn How to Intuitively Eat, Exercise & Heal

with Kelly Noonan Gores
What You’ll Learn:
  • How to reconnect with your body, understand what it needs, and fight illness
  • The crucial link between emotional and physical healing that is often overlooked in mainstream healthcare
  • Must-do mental hygiene practices for clearing stress and negative emotions you can add to your daily routine today!
  • Strategies for navigating real-world challenges through health study and practice
  • What Kelly eats in a typical day, plus her tips for finding balance in diet and nutrition
  • And much more!

Kelly Noonan Gores

Kelly Noonan Gores is the director of the HEAL documentary, author of HEAL, and host of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast, interviewing leading doctors, scientists, spiritual teachers, and healers around the globe on her mission to find out the true extent of human potential and healing.

Kelly Noonan Gores
Zach Bush MD
Wednesday, September 25

Nurturing Your Microbiome

Is It Gluten or Glyphosate That’s Harming Your Gut?

with Zach Bush MD
What You’ll Learn:
  • The #1 way to unlock the healing power of your microbiome
  • Hidden symptoms of gluten sensitivity you may have missed (including a common one for middle-aged males)
  • The important connection between glyphosate and gluten sensitivity (and why we’re seeing gluten sensitivity now more than ever!)
  • Top nutritious foods to eat and most toxin-laden foods to avoid to support your gut health
  • Zach’s favorite recipe using gut-supporting herbs
  • And much more!

Zach Bush MD

Zach Bush MD is a renowned, multi-disciplinary physician of internal medicine, endocrinology, and hospice care and an internationally recognized educator on the microbiome as it relates to human health, soil health, food systems, and a regenerative future.

Zach Bush MD
Thursday, September 26

Bonus Masterclass Series

Your Favorite Masterclasses

These are our most popular masterclasses from the experts you love. Save your free spot now to hear the expert lineup first on Thursday, September 26.

What You’ll Learn:
  • Manage Hormonal Changes
  • Relieve Stress & Calm Anxiety
  • Detox Your Body
  • Stop Unwanted Cravings
  • Treat Inflammation Naturally
  • Navigate Anti-Aging Trends
  • Improve Your Brain Health
  • And much more!


These are our most popular masterclasses from Nat Kringoudis, Liana Werner-Gray, Dr. Tom O’Bryan, Marc David, Dr. Christine Smith, Dr. Amy B Killen and Dr. Heather Sandison.

See What Others Are Saying About Our Masterclass Series

At the Food Matters Institute, we are dedicated to bringing you the latest education and information about nutrition and natural healing. This exclusive Masterclass Series is diving deep into the questions YOU have on the topics YOU care about.

Thank you so much for running such a reasonable Masterclass. Straight forward, not overwhelming, concise, no woo-woo, and very 'digestible'. - Harvey
I signed up for these masterclasses and I'm loving all this knowledge. I started to apply some methods that were indicated by your guests. Thanks for this knowledge. - Aninhas
The daily videos this week have been amazing. Insane amounts of life-changing information. - Dina
A wealth of information, thank you! So many great tips I will be making part of my life going forward. - Ali
Loved this thank you very much - such a complex subject beautifully explained simple and visual - thank you. - Lynne
Absolutely excellent! So inspiring! - Ali
[FREE EBOOK] Top 10 Easy Recipes to Destress & Support Your Hormones. [FREE EBOOK] 10 Gut-Healing Recipes to Repair Your Microbiome. [FREE EBOOK] Top 10 Easy Recipes to Destress & Support Your Hormones. [FREE EBOOK] 10 Gut-Healing Recipes to Repair Your Microbiome.
Get instant access to two NEW Recipe eBooks! !