Here, we firmly believe that you are what you eat. We know this because we’ve seen it firsthand. We’ve also seen what the power of nutrition education can achieve for health.
Our core education course, The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Course, first launched in November 2020 to hundreds of students around the globe. Over 10 core modules, our graduates learn the fundamentals of holistic nutrition and natural health, directly from some of the world’s leading industry experts.
The Food Matters Institute is the home of our nutrition courses, one of the foremost places to study nutrition online. There are many things that set us apart, but the most important is our mission and philosophy.
We firmly believe that you are what you eat.
There is big money in pharmaceuticals and processed foods. And the research is commissioned and funded by the companies that stand to benefit from them. So the people conducting the studies have a vested interest in a positive outcome.
This was one of the first things we discovered about the conventional approach to health and nutrition - almost anyone can be bought, for the right price. And unfortunately, this has completely changed the education industry. From being independent and sharing lifesaving information to peddling more of the needs of big businesses.
One analysis found that only 26% of U.S. medical schools have one mandatory nutrition course. Further studies have found that those completing medical degrees only complete an average of four days of nutrition training. This is unthinkable.
For all its brilliant achievements, modern medicine is still very much pathology orientated. Doctors and surgeons are trained to find the disease, rather than the myriad factors that could have contributed to its manifestation. They’re trained to use drugs, surgery, and laboratory techniques.
But this one-size-fits-all, and heavily regulated approach is neglecting healthcare as we know it. And at a time when we’ve collectively never been sicker. We’re paying insurance companies and healthcare providers more, and losing more autonomy over our bodies in return. It’s a scary, slippery slope.
It’s not good enough. It has to end. It’s time to go back to our roots, and this is where our philosophy comes in. We know that chronic illness doesn’t just appear out of nowhere; it’s a build-up of health and lifestyle factors that lead to diseases like diabetes, arthritis, hormone imbalances, and even cancer. We know that our bodies have an innate capacity to heal and a powerful immune system, without needing any outside intervention. But because of society’s reliance on medicine, we’re losing our ancestral knowledge and intuition when it comes to healing. And it's a goal of ours to bring that understanding and knowledge back.
This certification course is about helping you to help yourself, using a holistic and natural approach. With ancient, natural, and organic foods, herbs, and remedies alongside expert-led knowledge of how to use them, you’ll finish this course with the power and confidence to completely transform your health and your life, and the ability to help others to do the same.
We’re James & Laurentine, the founders of Food Matters Institute, and our journey into nutrition began with James’ father Roy. There was a time where Roy (although you wouldn’t believe it now) was struggling with chronic fatigue syndrome. He was on a cocktail of six different medications and he was severely depressed. But the more he relied on medical support, the worse he became.
That was when we first decided to study nutrition online.
It was a long time ago now, but we were inspired by some of the leading minds in the nutrition industry - and they were showing us cutting-edge research that all pointed back to one thing. You are what you eat.
With Roy’s health in the condition it was, we couldn’t make him wade through the research himself. But we figured we could probably get him to watch a film on it. So we sold our life belongings and traveled the world, interviewing the experts who we had been learning from, before returning home to Australia and presenting the film to Roy. And that was the pivotal moment that his life changed around.
Once we had him interested, we conducted a fridge audit, quite literally tossing processed, packaged, and chemical-laden food from James’ family home into the garbage. Roy’s health began to slowly improve and he started to trust the process.
Eventually, he decided he wanted to kick his medication for good - despite his doctors’ orders. The most shocking part was, without the medication, Roy’s health continued to improve. The medication that he was on was having all kinds of disastrous effects on his health.
In fact, it was only recently that Roy felt confident to share that some of his medication had given him suicidal thoughts. That was terrifying. He couldn’t believe the pharmaceutical and medical industries would knowingly produce and sell a product that could potentially cause people to physically harm themselves. Almost immediately, he went from believing in the medical profession to believing in the age-old adage, “you are what you eat”, and within 3 months he had lost 50lbs and was back to his happy self.
We knew if this knowledge had such a profound impact on Roy’s life, it would for others around the world too. Soon after showing it to our families, we launched it to the world, and since its 2008 release, FOOD MATTERS has now been watched by millions of people, picked up by major television and streaming networks, and inspired the lifestyle shifts of thousands of people just like Roy.
Roy, James’ father, is diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. He was bedridden, depressed, and on a cocktail of seven different medications. We knew something had to change. This is where the Food Matters journey began.
James and Laurentine graduate as Nutritional Consultants from Global College of Natural Medicine.
The Food Matters film is released worldwide. This film was the culmination of years of study, expert interviews, and travels around the world to seek life-changing advice on healing the body naturally. The Food Matters original film explores the current state of our health and the billion-dollar healthcare industry.
Our first ever Food Matters Recipe Book is published.
Hungry For Change is released online, to a global audience of more than 1 million people. In Hungry For Change, we faced the billion-dollar diet industry head-on. This film exposed shocking secrets about the diet, weight loss, and food industry that you don't want you to know about, and the real truth behind food labeling - 'fat-free', 'diet', and 'low-fat'.
In March we launch a world-first, Food Matters TV - the online streaming platform for natural health and nutrition. After the success of releasing our films, independent filmmakers continued to approach us for advice and we saw there was a need for a dedicated platform to connect the knowledge of filmmakers with the wider community.
Our second Food Matters Recipe Book is published.
The Food Matters Foundation is our way of giving back at a grassroots level. We have been lucky enough to live in a beautiful tropical island community and it’s important to be able to show our gratitude. Most recently, Food Matters Foundation (along with generous donors), funded the Nambanga Arts & Handicraft School in Pango, Vanuatu, which provides education and employment to the local community.
Transcendence Season 1 is released. Transcendence emerged out of a desire to go deeper than we had gone before. Our studies and research had shown that nutrition was just the beginning; holistic health was a complete mind-body experience. Encouraged by the grand-slam champion Novak Djokovic, this docu-series was released on FMTV in November 2018.
Food Matters Podcast launches, featuring the latest and greatest interviews with people from the world of health, wellness, mind-body, spirit, and transformation. Start listening here.
Transcendence Season 2 is released. While filming Transcendence we found the first five episodes only just scratched the surface, and our community continued to ask us more. Transcendence 2 began with the question; if we can’t go backward, how do we go forwards? The second series explores the power of herbal medicine, overcoming limiting beliefs, and healing modalities that can change the future of our health.
In late 2019, we announce the new home for our streaming channel, FMTV on Gaia. Gaia is a publicly listed company, a streaming service that specializes in holistic content. Together we joined forces to create the largest transformational streaming site in the world (with a conscious approach to content).
The new era of guided programs begins. In the chaos of 2020, we knew that transformation was needed now more than ever. This inspired the release of our signature guided programs, the 7 Day Juice Detox and the 21 Day Clean Eating Program, which serve our global community with nutrition, guidance, and the skills they need to take back control of their own health.
The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Course opens its doors. Education has always been at the heart of Food Matters, through our films, books, and programs, and in November 2020 we gave our community the chance to formalize that knowledge. The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Course is one of the most transformative nutrition training programs that has seen more than 5,400 students since inception.
Our latest film Love Over Money is released worldwide on Gaia. It tells the story of John Robbins, the man who walked away from inheriting an ice-cream conglomerate after discovering the impact this diet was having on the masses. His best-selling book, Diet For A New America, is considered a staple.
The Food As Medicine Nutrition Program launches with the goal to teach people how to unlock the healing power of food so that they can live a longer, happier life. We created this program to alleviate the overwhelm and confusion surrounding nutrition and encourage our community to embrace their bio-individuality (because there is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition).
The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Course becomes accredited by the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC). NBHWC Program Approval identifies health and wellness coach training and education programs that have met the NBHWC published standards for preparing capable, competent health and wellness coaches.
We have since produced more titles, including Hungry for Change, Transcendence 1 & 2, and Love Over Money. In 2014, we created FMTV, an online streaming platform with a desire to create a space where people could watch content like ours, and film creators could share their work. In late 2019, we announced a new home for FMTV on Gaia, where it currently sits to create the largest transformational streaming network in the world. We have also published countless books, funded multiple philanthropic projects through the Food Matters Foundation, and most recently, created guided nutrition programs to help our community heal.
Education has always been at the core of everything we do. We know that when people are informed with the right knowledge, they are empowered to make decisions that concern them and begin to take back their health. And that’s what we find the most inspiring of all.
In good health,
Founders of Food Matters & Filmmakers of Transcendence 1 & 2, Food Matters & Hungry For Change.
The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Course is recognized by the International Approval and Registration Centre (IARC) which acts as quality control assurance, meaning our program has been assessed by an independent third body and has the systems and processes in place to ensure a high standard education course.
Our program is also an approved training provider under the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT). This means that upon completion of the Food Matters Nutrition Certification Course, you are eligible to receive credibility, membership, and insurance from IICT to practice as a certified nutrition coach.
The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Course is approved by the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) for continuing education of National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coaches (NBC-HWCs). NBHWC Approved Continuing Education Courses are utilized by NBC-HWCs to review, advance, and enhance professional knowledge, practice, and skill in the intentional practice of coaching with clients and patients.